RTMT accepts Forum participants
Two groups of participants of the IV All-Russian Forum "Working Youth" visited the production areas of the separate Kurgan subdivision of RTMT LLC. In addition to a familiarization tour of the production, the delegates were shown various tests in the central factory laboratory, the work of the quality system "Product uniqueness control: barcode system" was clearly shown, and master classes on the assembly and testing of pipeline fittings were held. We would like to thank the employees of RTMT LLC who directly conducted this event: chief technologist Simakov P.A., head of the TSL Usynin A.A., deputy head of the OTC Voropaev S.I., leakproofness tester Pomigalov V.L. and controller of the OTC Sokolova N.V. We hope that all participants of the forum had the best impressions of our company so it is in general from the city of Kurgan.