Our award!


The solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Kurgan City Mayor's Award and awarding the prestigious award to young workers at the end of 2017 was held at the Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. As in previous years, it has become a bright holiday, praising the man of work, young professionals who have made their choice in favor of a working specialty. There were 27 applicants in total: 2 girls and 25 boys. These are representatives of 15 Kurgan enterprises: JSC "AK "Corvette", CJSC "Kurganstalmost", PJSC "SUENCO"Kurgan City Electric Networks", PJSC KGC "Kurgan CHP", LLC "Kurgan CHP", JSC "Kurganmashzavod", JSC "NPO "Kurganpribor", LLC "RTMT", JSC "Kurgandormash", LLC "Kurgantehenergo", JSC "Synthesis", PJSC "SUENCO" Kurgan Electric Networks", PJSC "Rostelecom", LLC "DSM" of the company "Domostroy" and "Energosbyt" - a branch of JSC "Vostok". The intrigue - who will be the winner - was preserved until the very end. By good tradition, the names of the laureates were announced by the Head of the city Sergey Rudenko. One of the six winners was our worker, grinder Viktor Turaev. His workmates came to congratulate Victor.

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!

Our award!