Sample plot


To speed up the process of conducting input control of incoming metal at the Kurgan OP, RTMT LLC has formed and put into operation a new sample preparation site. Especially for this purpose, after major repairs, three universal machines were purchased: turning and screw-cutting, flat-grinding and vertical milling. Samples are needed to determine mechanical properties: temporary tear resistance, yield strength, elongation, relative contraction, for limiting impact strength at normal and negative temperatures with concentrators of the KCV and KCU type, for resistance tests against intercrystalline corrosion by the A and AMU method, for determining the chemical composition by the optical emission method, for determining non-metallic inclusions: oxides, sulfides, silicates, to identify and determine the grain size. We are confident that the commissioning of this site will ensure that the central factory laboratory conducts all the necessary studies as quickly and efficiently as possible for the production of only metal that fully meets the requirements laid down.

Sample plot

Sample plot